T&T PM doesn’t need heart surgery

The picture which Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley posted on himself and his doctor in California Tuesday night, as he announced he will not need heart surgery. Office of the PM

(Trinidad Guardian) Prime Min­is­ter Dr Kei­th Row­ley is a re­lieved man af­ter his car­di­ol­o­gist de­liv­ered good news say­ing that there is no need for heart surgery.

A smil­ing Row­ley post­ed the good news just af­ter 11 pm Tues­day on his Face­book page.

Along­side a pho­to of him and his doc­tor in Cal­i­for­nia, Row­ley said: “All smiles at lunch with my car­di­ol­o­gist. To­day (Tues­day) I was told there is no need for surgery.”

Row­ley said, how­ev­er, that he will re­main un­der ob­ser­va­tion for a few more days and re­turn home to T&T soon.

Row­ley ex­tend­ed a heart­felt thank you to every­one who prayed and sent well wish­es to him and his fam­i­ly dur­ing the pe­ri­od he has been in the Unit­ed States for tests.

“We ap­pre­ci­ate the warmth and love you showed dur­ing this pe­ri­od. My fam­i­ly and I will for­ev­er re­mem­ber your kind­ness. It is yet an­oth­er ex­am­ple of the good­ness of the peo­ple of Trinidad and To­ba­go,” Row­ley said.

The PM left for the US last Tues­day for sev­er­al heart tests.

In 2016, amidst sev­er­al tests for prostate can­cer, he al­so sub­ject­ed him­self to a coro­nary test that re­vealed a soft plaque in one of the ar­ter­ies. He left T&T last week for a check-up on the is­sue