Trinidad exorcists prepare themselves for Gasparillo ‘buck’

Govinda Mathura shows the sculpture he made of clay to fend off the buck from his home at Hilltop Drive, Morne Roche, Gasparillo.
Govinda Mathura shows the sculpture he made of clay to fend off the buck from his home at Hilltop Drive, Morne Roche, Gasparillo.

(Trinidad Guardian) An out­pour­ing of spir­i­tu­al help has come for the Mathu­ra fam­i­ly, who be­lieve that a mys­ti­cal spir­it crea­ture called a “buck” is ter­ror­is­ing them in­side their Morne Roche, Gas­par­il­lo home.

But while a dozen peo­ple stand in line to of­fer prayers, some of the vil­lagers say they have nev­er seen the buck. They called on pro­fes­sion­als to of­fer psy­cho­log­i­cal help and coun­selling to the fam­i­ly.

More than five teams of peo­ple vis­it­ed the Math­uras on Monday. Among them were spir­i­tu­al leader Ba­ba Anil Jaimun­gal of San­ta Flo­ra, who read Psalms 36 and 37 from the Bible, a pas­tor from Trinci­ty, a White­land pas­tor and a Siparia pun­dit.

Dur­ing an in­ter­view, Kr­ish­na Mathu­ra said he was grate­ful for all the sup­port. He said sev­er­al oth­er peo­ple called him, among them Dr Karin Kow­lessar, who claimed to be spe­cialised in para­psy­chol­o­gy and para­nor­mal nor­mal sci­ences.

“I feel good. I am hap­py that so many peo­ple came to help,” Mathu­ra added.

He said the on­ly thing there were miss­ing fol­low­ing weeks of ter­ror by the buck was their tele­vi­sion re­mote but said he hoped could help him re­cov­er it. He said he spoke to an of­fi­cer from the Gas­par­il­lo Po­lice Sta­tion who agreed to vis­it them.

How­ev­er, some of Mathu­ra’s neigh­bours said they have nev­er seen any­thing un­usu­al in the vil­lage.

A rel­a­tive who re­quest­ed anonymi­ty said it was not the first time the Math­uras had made un­usu­al claims.

“He used to tell us that his fa­ther-in-law used to trans­form in­to an­i­mals. They need some help be­cause is non­sense they talk­ing,” the rel­a­tive said.

How­ev­er, in an in­ter­view meta­physi­cian, Dr Karin Kow­lessar said the fam­i­ly’s claims of see­ing a buck were not un­re­al.

“These things ex­ist. I want to vis­it the fam­i­ly and make an as­sess­ment,” Kow­lessar said.

Asked to elab­o­rate, Kow­lessar added, “I know that a buck is of a dif­fer­ent na­ture than oth­er. It is a dif­fer­ent fre­quen­cy of en­er­gy. You can­not light up goo­gool and red laven­der. I will have to talk to it. I al­so have to as­sess the peo­ple who are in the house. If they are go­ing through some­thing I will know.”

Kow­lessar said she earned her doc­tor­ate at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Meta­phys­i­cal Sci­ences in Cal­i­for­nia and jour­neyed to Cos­ta Ri­ca for her train­ing.

A check by the T&T Guardian on the uni­ver­si­ty’s web­site stat­ed that it was “a non-prof­it dis­tance learn­ing fa­cil­i­ty, of­fer­ing down­load­able cours­es from the in­ter­net, or de­liv­ered via postal mail.” She said she al­so did hyp­no­sis at the Amer­i­can School of Hyp­no­sis.

Mean­while, Er­ic Pugh, an Amer­i­can na­tion­al who is a trained se­cu­ri­ty con­sul­tant, said he was al­so will­ing to help. Pugh, who now lives in Trinidad, said he plans to use en­er­gy to get the spir­it out of the house. He claimed he has helped over 14,000 peo­ple and con­duct­ed over 1,400 ex­or­cisms over a 23-year pe­ri­od.

He said he will meet with the fam­i­ly at 6 pm to­day to eval­u­ate the sit­u­a­tion and if it is found that a spir­it be­ing was re­al­ly there he will cast it out.