US exorcist finally drives Trinidad ‘buck’ away

Krishna Mathura, right, his wife Balmatee and son Govinda at their  Gasparillo home.
Krishna Mathura, right, his wife Balmatee and son Govinda at their Gasparillo home.

(Trinidad Guardian) The buck mys­tery in Gas­par­il­lo has end­ed af­ter an Amer­i­can ex­or­cist in­ter­vened and chased away the “spir­it” which Kr­ish­na Mathu­ra says was tor­ment­ing his fam­i­ly over the past sev­en months.

Mathu­ra, from Hill­top Dri­ve, Gas­par­il­lo, vis­it­ed the T&T Guardian’s San Fer­nan­do of­fice yes­ter­day to ex­tend his thanks, say­ing he and his fam­i­ly was now sleep­ing bet­ter since Er­ic Pugh, an Amer­i­can na­tion­al who is a trained as a se­cu­ri­ty con­sul­tant, vis­it­ed their home.

Mathu­ra said Pugh be­gan us­ing en­er­gy to cast away the spir­it, which took the form of a buck, on Thurs­day around 6 pm. He said from the mo­ment Pugh did his work the house felt bet­ter.

“Peo­ple all over call­ing me to say the buck is now by their home. They say they took away the spir­it but that is not so. What­ev­er Er­ic did I could feel the dif­fer­ence,” Mathu­ra said.

One man even made a blood sac­ri­fice to the crea­ture us­ing his own blood, but Mathu­ra said he was thank­ful to every­one who sym­pa­thised with them. He al­so de­nied that he had lied about the buck due to an on­go­ing land dis­pute with his rel­a­tive. He said 15 years ago, the land on which he lived was in dis­pute but this end­ed years ago and both he and the rel­a­tive in ques­tion now had their own deeds.

In an ex­clu­sive in­ter­view with Guardian Me­dia, Pugh said he used en­er­gy to dri­ve the spir­it from the house.

“You have to track it and pin it. That’s what I did,” Pugh said.

“It was good that every­body tried to help that fam­i­ly. If peo­ple come it would not stay in the house. It was go­ing back in the back. I iso­lat­ed it and used en­er­gy so that I could make it talk. We were ac­tu­al­ly get­ting in­for­ma­tion from it. It is a spir­it which can trans­form from the spir­i­tu­al di­men­sion in­to the phys­i­cal.”

He added, “When I went there with my crew it was very strong. The spir­it went out of the house and ran up in­to the wood­ed area. I asked it who sent it and it told me.”

Pugh said he was hap­py the fam­i­ly was now sleep­ing well.

“I check on them to make sure there is no back­lash. I have ex­or­cised 1,400 demons. This one was not that hard, I dealt with it us­ing en­er­gy,” Pugh said.

He not­ed that the spir­it, when it trans­forms, would look small and this was why every­one be­lieved it was a buck. How­ev­er, Pugh said it was a spir­it and not a buck.

Mean­while, Caribbean folk­lorist Al Ram­sawak says de­pres­sion could have trig­gered the strange phe­nom­e­non of the Gas­par­il­lo Buck, which trend­ed for more than a week on main­stream and so­cial me­dia and sparked an avalanche of cre­ative ad­ver­tis­ing across T&T.

Ram­sawak, who in­ves­ti­gat­ed and doc­u­ment­ed sto­ries of the buck phe­nom­e­nons across var­i­ous parts of T&T dur­ing the 1980s, said he found it cu­ri­ous that chill­ing folk­lore sto­ries were again grip­ping the na­tion at a time when T&T was fac­ing ris­ing un­em­ploy­ment, high crime and so­cial up­heaval, sim­i­lar to what oc­curred in the 1980s.

Dur­ing an ex­clu­sive in­ter­view with Guardian Me­dia, Ram­sawak said some­time in the late 1980s, vil­lagers of Rousil­lac and Aripero re­port­ed that a crea­ture be­lieved to be a buck was al­so ter­ror­is­ing them. Ram­sawak, who was in­trigued by folk­lore, went to in­ves­ti­gate.

“The sto­ry was that the Buck­man, who was about 18 inch­es tall, had the mag­i­cal pow­er to make you rich. It was said that a man from Mon De­sir had a buck but when he died, his wife for­got to feed the buck and it start­ed to ter­rorise peo­ple,” Ram­sawak said.

Vil­lagers re­port­ed that the buck was bang­ing around in their homes, break­ing glass and steal­ing their food, the ex­act re­ports giv­en by Mathu­ra and his fam­i­ly in this re­cent case.

“At that time, peo­ple kept their gates and doors locked. They were ter­ri­fied that the buck would come in­side. Then one day it was re­port­ed that the buck had ap­peared at the Rousil­lac Pres­by­ter­ian school. The chil­dren ran to the edge of the school­yard. He stood there at the edge of the cliff with a blank smile on his face and then he dis­ap­peared. At that time when I was in­ves­ti­gat­ing I won­dered whether it was some sort of alien,” Ram­sawak said.

In ret­ro­spect, Ram­sawak said he was now con­vinced that de­pres­sion and stress caused by un­em­ploy­ment could have been a mit­i­gat­ing fac­tor in the strange hal­lu­ci­na­tions.

He added, “When you have a teenag­er in your house who is frus­trat­ed, he emits neg­a­tive en­er­gy. Some may say it may be a psy­chi­atric or psy­cho­log­i­cal prob­lem. It could al­so be pos­si­ble that peo­ple who are bor­der­ing on sui­cide could trig­ger this type of neg­a­tive en­er­gy. Be­ing at home with­out em­ploy­ment is stress­ful.”

He not­ed that hal­lu­ci­na­tions are al­so linked to stress.

Ram­sawak, who is now 86, said he found it cu­ri­ous that so many peo­ple had gone to the Math­uras’ home to help rid them of the buck.

Asked whether he be­lieved bucks ex­ist­ed, Ram­swak said dur­ing the pe­ri­od of French coloni­sa­tion, a group of lit­tle men known as Buck­men worked the co­coa fields in Rousil­lac.

“They used to walk across the es­tate and go to a pond to drink wa­ter. They were strange men be­cause they were lit­tle. Maybe this is where the sto­ries of the Buck­man orig­i­nat­ed,” he said.

Ram­sawak added that the chaos of the buck ter­ror of the 1980s led to the es­tab­lish­ment of the Buck­man Bar in Rousil­lac. He al­so said he has been in­ves­ti­gat­ing strange phe­nom­e­non since the 1960s and he is yet to come across a spir­it.

“There are spir­its, good and bad. If you be­lieve in God, you will know that God is al­so a spir­it. There are bad spir­its and some­times peo­ple guide these bad spir­its to at­tack oth­ers. Most times it is a wispy sort of thing that you can­not see to­tal­ly,” he added.