Trinidad: Suspect steals police SUV from officers that were chasing him

The police vehicle which was found a few minutes after it was stolen from the scene of an accident.
The police vehicle which was found a few minutes after it was stolen from the scene of an accident.

(Trinidad Guardian) The hunt is on for a Mara­bel­la man who stole a po­lice ve­hi­cle from the same of­fi­cers who were chas­ing him.

Ac­cord­ing to re­ports, SRP con­sta­bles Mo­hammed and Vin­cent, who are at­tached to the Emer­gency Re­sponse Pa­trol, South, was dri­ving a marked po­lice ve­hi­cle near the Clax­ton Bay fly­over around 9 am when they got a re­port of an ac­ci­dent along the south-bound lane of the Solomon Ho­choy High­way, near St Mar­garet’s.

The of­fi­cers went to the scene and on ar­riv­ing, one of the oc­cu­pants in a ve­hi­cle parked along the shoul­der got out and be­gan walk­ing away quick­ly. Sus­pi­cious of this, the of­fi­cers left the po­lice SUV and fol­lowed the man. The man crossed the fly­over and as the of­fi­cers fol­lowed, he sud­den­ly dou­bled back in a west­er­ly di­rec­tion, leav­ing the of­fi­cers across the high­way.

He then ran in­to the po­lice SUV and sped off on­to the Cedar Hill Road. A re­port was made and St Mar­garet’s po­lice pur­sued the stolen SUV. It was lat­er found aban­doned along the old train line in St Mar­garet’s. The sus­pect has al­ready been iden­ti­fied as a man from the area.

In­ves­ti­ga­tors are op­ti­mistic that the sus­pect will be caught soon.