Baby among victims in horrific Trinidad murder/suicide

(Trinidad Guardian) To­co vil­lagers and sea­soned po­lice of­fi­cers re­coiled in hor­ror on Friday as the bod­ies of an eight-month-old ba­by boy and his sev­en-year-old sis­ter were found in a car with their dead parents.

Po­lice sus­pect dou­bles ven­dor Har­ry Choon, 35, slit the throats of his wife, Shanille, 30, and his daugh­ter Ak­i­la be­fore killing him­self ear­ly on Friday. They be­lieve ba­by Ja­cob suf­fo­cat­ed in the car as the windows were all up.

Po­lice said the two adults were seat­ed in the front seat of a sta­tion wag­on parked along Ham­bug Trace, To­co. The seats were re­clined and the chil­dren were in the back seat.

A vil­lager re­port­ed to po­lice the grue­some dis­cov­ery short­ly af­ter 3:30 pm. He had seen the ve­hi­cle parked ear­li­er along the sand road around 8:30am but did not in­ves­ti­gate.

When he in­ves­ti­gat­ed on his re­turn hours lat­er, he saw the bod­ies of the two adults with wounds to their throats.

Po­lice are treat­ing the in­ci­dent as a triple mur­der and sui­cide but are await­ing the re­ports of the post mortem be­fore mak­ing a con­clu­sive find­ing.

Sev­er­al po­lice of­fi­cers from var­i­ous units, in­clud­ing Homi­cide Bu­reau and Crime Scene Unit in­ves­ti­ga­tors, were at the scene up to late last night.

Scores of vil­lagers al­so gath­ered near the crime scene. Many of them were in grief af­ter learn­ing about the deaths of the chil­dren.

Chair­man of the San­gre Grande Re­gion­al Cor­po­ra­tion Ter­ry Ron­don, said the news of the tragedy had put a damper on campers set­ting up tents in the dis­trict.

Sgt Kistow of To­co Po­lice Sta­tion is con­tin­u­ing in­ves­ti­ga­tions.