Trinidad: Family fight ends in death

Relatives of murder victim Terry Elie return to his home yesterday where he was attacked on Saturday night.
Relatives of murder victim Terry Elie return to his home yesterday where he was attacked on Saturday night.

(Trinidad Guardian) Weeks of bit­ter ar­gu­ments and rage end­ed trag­i­cal­ly for Ter­ry El­lie on Sat­ur­day when he died from in­juries he suf­fered in a fight with a male rel­a­tive hours ear­li­er. 

El­lie, 44, a ma­son, suf­fered se­vere in­juries to his head and up­per body, sus­pect­ly from a blunt ob­ject.

A re­port stat­ed that around 12. 30 am, El­lie and  the 34-year-old rel­a­tive had an ar­gu­ment at their home in a squat­ting com­mu­ni­ty in Savonet­ta.

Dur­ing that ar­gu­ment, El­lie was se­vere­ly beat­en. It was the same rel­a­tive who picked him up and took him to the Cou­va Dis­trict Health Fa­cil­i­ty where he was treat­ed.

How­ev­er, El­lie died around 2 pm. The death was re­port­ed to Cou­va po­lice and the rel­a­tive was tak­en in­to cus­tody, where he re­mained up to late yes­ter­day.

 Neigh­bours said El­lie, who was orig­i­nal­ly from Hin­dus­tan, New Grant, on­ly moved in­to the com­mu­ni­ty eight month’s ago and was stay­ing in a shack at the back of the rel­a­tive’s house. They de­scribed him as a “cool fel­la”.

How­ev­er, an­oth­er rel­a­tive, Shane Cum­mings, said that for weeks, El­lie had been heck­ling the sus­pect about his wife.

“I spoke to him (sus­pect) just the night be­fore and he told me that Ter­ry was heck­ling him, build­ing jones on him and mak­ing bac­cha­nal. It was more like he (Ter­ry) was go­ing af­ter the man’s wife. His (sus­pect) wife is preg­nant so she went to spit out­side and Ter­ry told her that if she spit on him, he would come in the house and beat every­body,” Cum­mings said.

Based on what he heard, Cum­mings said El­lie went in­to the rel­a­tive’s house when a piece of wood on Sat­ur­day morn­ing and the ta­bles turned on him. He be­lieves that the rel­a­tive had no in­ten­tion of killing El­lie and the en­tire or­deal was trag­ic.