Venezuelan migrant in Trinidad knifed to death by lover

Kather­ine Di­az
Kather­ine Di­az

(Trinidad Guardian) Two weeks af­ter com­ing to Trinidad seek­ing a bet­ter life for her­self and fam­i­ly, Venezue­lan mi­grant Kather­ine Di­az was stabbed to death by her lover on Sun­day.

 Di­az, 26, died at the Princes Town Dis­trict Health Fa­cil­i­ty, just un­der two hours af­ter be­ing stabbed by the 32-year-old man who ran out the house af­ter plung­ing a knife in­to her ab­domen, leg and shoul­der.

A re­port stat­ed that around 4.10 am, the cou­ple who host­ed Di­az, heard her scream­ing in their liv­ing room. When they checked, they saw the sus­pect stab her and run out of the house. Ac­cord­ing to the home­own­er, there was noth­ing that in­di­cat­ed that the two had prob­lems, nor was there any com­mo­tion be­fore the stab­bing.

The apartment building at King Street, Princes Town where Venezuelan national Catherine Diaz was stabbed to death by a relative.

The home­own­er said that on Sat­ur­day night, he and his wife picked up Di­az and the sus­pect and took them to a bar in Re­form Vil­lage to lime. He said every­one had a good time, giv­ing no in­di­ca­tion that there was a prob­lem be­tween Di­az and the sus­pect.  They re­turned home around 3 am. When he and his wife went to sleep, Di­az and the sus­pect stayed on a couch in the liv­ing room.

“Kather­ine bawled out. When Kather­ine bawled out, my madam flew out of the room fast. I came out of the room. He scram­bled for the keys. There is nor­mal­ly a lock here. That key and lock are gone. He scram­bled on a jer­sey, he had on a box­er and he ran down the hill.”

Fol­low­ing the stab­bing, Princes Town po­lice re­spond­ed along with an am­bu­lance and Di­az was tak­en to the health fa­cil­i­ty. The man said he and his wife would nor­mal­ly help Venezue­lan mi­grants seek­ing to work to pro­vide for their fam­i­lies back home.

He said the sus­pect, who works in a gro­cery, had been stay­ing at his home since last year while Di­az came two weeks ago and had been work­ing as a roulette game op­er­a­tor at the Princes Town bar. He said with the mon­ey they earned, they planned to get their own place. The sus­pect is the fa­ther of one of Di­az’s three chil­dren. They both came from Tu­cu­pi­ta, Venezuela.