Trinidad: Rachael Sukhdeo escapes shooting

Rachael Sukhdeo

(Trinidad Guardian) Rachael Sukhdeo’s Moth­er’s Day got off to a rough start yes­ter­day as she had to run for her life to es­cape a shoot­ing in­ci­dent in which she is be­lieved to have been the tar­get.

Sukhdeo, a moth­er of two, es­caped the in­ci­dent un­harmed.

The shoot­ing took place just over 13 months af­ter Sukhdeo’s hus­band, busi­ness­man Sheron was shot dead.

Sheron was mur­dered on March 26 last year.

Just over a month af­ter her hus­band’s death, Sukhdeo’s broth­er Phillip Bas­sant was al­so shot dead on May 4 last year.

And then ear­li­er this year Sheron’s broth­er Shel­don was ab­duct­ed and lat­er found dead on Jan­u­ary 23.

The shoot­ing in­ci­dent, in which po­lice be­lieve Sukhdeo was the in­tend­ed tar­get, took place around 4 am yes­ter­day in the carpark of Heart­land Plaza in Ch­agua­nas.

Sukhdeo was said to have been leav­ing the Hang­gers Ex­treme Restau­rant and Bar when the in­ci­dent oc­curred.

Hang­gers, how­ev­er, is­sued a re­lease say­ing the in­ci­dent had noth­ing to do with them.

“We wish to ad­vise that the al­leged in­ci­dent that oc­curred this morn­ing on the com­pound of Heart­land Plaza has no as­so­ci­a­tion with Hang­gers Ex­treme,” it stat­ed.

“We re­main ded­i­cat­ed to pro­vid­ing a fun, en­ter­tain­ing and safe restau­rant ex­pe­ri­ence for you our val­ued cus­tomers,” it said.

Ac­cord­ing to re­ports, Sukhdeo was walk­ing in the com­pa­ny of a man when gun­shots were fired.

Sukhdeo had to run for safe­ty.

She was un­harmed.

The gun­men es­caped in wait­ing ve­hi­cles. No one was se­ri­ous­ly hurt dur­ing the shoot­ing.

Since the death of her hus­band, the fam­i­ly mem­bers and close ac­quain­tances were murd­ered.

Since then there have been mul­ti­ple threats to his Rachel and on Sat­ur­day night at­tack­ers went one step fur­ther.