Woman who lured boyfriend to his death deported to Trinidad & Tobago

Back in Trinidad & Tobago – Samantha Joseph (left). Right: Shakilus Townsend was murdered by a gang in London 11 years ago.

(Trinidad Guardian) A woman who led her 16-year-old-boyfriend to his death as she wore a see-through dress has been re­leased from prison af­ter 10 years and de­port­ed from the coun­try.

Ac­cord­ing to re­ports in the British press, Saman­tha Joseph from Brock­ley, south-east Lon­don, was jailed for life in 2009 for her part in the mur­der of Shak­ilus Townsend.

But she has been sent back to Trinidad af­ter do­ing a min­i­mum stint of ten years in a British prison.

This CCTV image shows Joseph and her boyfriend Danny McLean walking away after the beating of Townsend

Her re­lease fol­lowed a hear­ing in prison, with a spokesman adding: ‘Pa­role Board de­ci­sions are sole­ly fo­cused on whether a pris­on­er would rep­re­sent a sig­nif­i­cant risk to the pub­lic.

‘The pan­el will have care­ful­ly looked at any ev­i­dence of be­hav­iour change. We do that with great care and pub­lic safe­ty is our num­ber one pri­or­i­ty.’

Joseph arranged to meet Shak­ilus wear­ing a see-through flo­ral dress on Ju­ly 3, 2008.

They trav­elled by bus to a qui­et culde­sac in Thorn­ton Heath, south Lon­don, where she told him they would meet her cousin.

But CCTV footage showed Joseph send a text to Dan­ny McLean to seal her boyfriend’s fate.

Danny McLean, who was found guilty of the murder of Townsend.

Joseph, who was 15 at the time, lured Shak­ilus in­to an al­ley­way, where he was am­bushed by a gang of six masked and hood­ed teenagers.

The young­ster bled to death af­ter be­ing beat­en with a base­ball bat and stabbed six times in a ‘re­lent­less and mer­ci­less at­tack’ led by a jeal­ous love ri­val.

The Old Bai­ley heard dur­ing Joseph’s tri­al how Shak­ilus was in love with her, af­ter meet­ing her a month be­fore the at­tack.

He show­ered her with gifts and told his moth­er she was beau­ti­ful and he want­ed to mar­ry her.

But Joseph was al­so see­ing McLean, who was 18 and a mem­ber of the street gang Shine My Nine.

McLean had dumped Joseph when he found out she had cheat­ed on him.

But, ob­sessed with the vi­o­lent thug, she was pre­pared to do any­thing to get him back and they de­cid­ed to set up her un­wit­ting lover.

The court heard how McLean, wear­ing his gang’s trade­mark or­ange ban­dan­na across his face, plunged the knife in­to Shak­ilus’ chest, rak­ing it across his liv­er be­fore twist­ing the blade.

The killers were lat­er chased away by neigh­bours who found the teenag­er ly­ing bleed­ing to death and sob­bing, ‘mum­my, mum­my, mum­my…I don’t want to die’.

The Old Bai­ley heard how Joseph was lat­er seen walk­ing off with McLean, car­ry­ing his hood­ie and a cream-coloured hand­bag stained with blood.

She had con­fessed to friends that she had agreed to ‘get Shak set’.

She and McLean lat­er wiped the vic­tim’s Be­bo ac­count to get rid of any link be­tween her and the dead boy.