Mother of recaptured escapee in Trinidad: Where is my son ?

Vilma Denbow, mother of recaptured escapee Olatungi Denbow

(Trinidad Guardian) Prison es­capees Olatun­gi Den­bow and his ac­com­plice Michael Find­ley who were cap­tured on Sat­ur­day were a no-show in the Ari­ma Court on Mon­day, but are ex­pect­ed to be in court on Tuesday.

Vil­ma Den­bow stood anx­ious­ly out­side the Ari­ma Mag­is­trates Court yes­ter­day to see her son but af­ter wait­ing in the hot sun for sev­er­al hours, she was in­formed that her son would not be at the court.

She told Guardian Me­dia that no po­lice of­fi­cer had called her to say where her son is be­ing held .

“I don’t know if he is alive and well,” she said.

Recaptured :Michael Findley (Left) and Olatungi Denbow

Ac­cord­ing to Den­bow, it was a re­porter who called and told her that her son was re­cap­tured last Sat­ur­day and that he would be at the Ari­ma Court, prompt­ing her to jour­ney from Port-of-Spain to Ari­ma to see her son and “that all is well with him,” said the wor­ried moth­er.

She said on Sun­day, “I con­tact­ed peo­ple to get in­for­ma­tion on the lo­ca­tion of my son,” be­cause she had no in­for­ma­tion on his where­abouts, “he may be frus­trat­ed and can’t say what is go­ing through his mind. I need to know if my son is in a safe place,” she said as she await­ed the ar­rival of her son at the court.

The dis­traught moth­er said re­gard­less of what hap­pened she should be in­formed where her son is.

Michael Find­ley’s moth­er Mon­i­ca Horne, had a dif­fer­ent sto­ry. She told Guardian Me­dia that she was in­formed by WPC Weekes that her son was be­ing de­tained at Arou­ca Po­lice Sta­tion and he need­ed to have a change of clothes. She was al­so asked to bring some food for him.

Horne said she al­so got a call in­form­ing her that her son will not be at­tend­ing court yes­ter­day.

Po­lice sources ex­plained that Den­bow and Find­ley were be­ing in­ter­ro­gat­ed by po­lice and it is like­ly they will be tak­en to the Ari­ma Mag­is­trates Court to­day.

The two es­capees were the last of eight who es­caped from the Gold­en Grove Prison in Arou­ca on May 15.

Den­bow and Find­ley’s run for free­dom which last­ed eleven days came to an end on Sat­ur­day, when of­fi­cers from the Spe­cial Op­er­a­tions Re­sponse Team (SORT) and De­fence Force re­cap­tured the men at Ralph Nar­ine Trace, South Oropouche in a house lo­cat­ed in the man­grove, close to riv­er, where the po­lice said they would have eas­i­ly made their es­cape to Venezuela.

The oth­er es­capees: Mikhale Mo­hammed, Stef­fon Austin, Joshua Janet, Brent John­son and Ker­ry Valenti­no were re­cap­tured in Las Lo­mas less than 24 hours af­ter their jail break. While At­i­ba Sealy was ar­rest­ed a day lat­er.

The six who were pre­vi­ous­ly re­cap­tured were all tak­en be­fore an Ari­ma mag­is­trate and have all plead­ed not guilty for es­cap­ing law­ful­ly cus­tody.