Jamaican businessman who was kidnapped in Trinidad released after 51 days

Ja­maican busi­ness­man Yohan Chin
Ja­maican busi­ness­man Yohan Chin

(Trinidad Guardian) Kid­napped Ja­maican busi­ness­man Yohan Chin has been re­leased by his ab­duc­tors af­ter 51 days in cap­tiv­i­ty.

Po­lice con­firmed Chin was re­leased around 7 am on Tues­day but de­clined to give fur­ther in­for­ma­tion.

Chin’s fam­i­ly made a pub­lic ap­peal last month for his ab­duc­tors to con­tact them to com­plete ne­go­ti­a­tions for his safe re­lease in a news­pa­per ad.

Chin’s fam­i­ly owns a chain of busi­ness­es in Ja­maica and Cana­da. A US$6 mil­li­on ran­som was de­mand­ed for his safe re­turn.

His lo­cal Chin’s busi­ness part­ner had re­port­ed the kid­nap­ping two days af­ter it oc­curred.

In a state­ment, the part­ner said he re­ceived a call from Chin on April 14 in­di­cat­ing that armed men wear­ing ski masks and two with hats with the word ‘po­lice’ came to his home. Chin told his busi­ness part­ner he was at an un­known lo­ca­tion and ad­vised him to or­gan­ise some mon­ey, promis­ing to call back with fur­ther in­struc­tions.

When Chin con­tact­ed his the part­ner again, he was ad­vised him to go his (Chin’s) home and se­cure a Porsche car for safe keep­ing but when the part­ner ar­rived the house was ran­sacked.

On April 16, Chin again called the part­ner ask­ing him to sell the Porsche and his Mer­cedes Benz. Sev­er­al times af­ter that, Chin called his part­ner to con­tact their lawyer to or­gan­ise and sell a piece of land which they had planned to use in a busi­ness deal.

How­ev­er, calls then went cold for two weeks, prompt­ing the fam­i­ly to take out an ad­ver­tise­ment ask­ing the ab­duc­tors to con­tact them to com­plete ne­go­ti­a­tions.