Nicaraguan migrant found dead in Texas with Trinidad & Tobago phone number in pocket

(Trinidad Guardian) US au­thor­i­ties who dis­cov­ered the body of a Nicaraguan mi­grant in­to Texas this week, say that among the things they found on him was a phone num­ber for some­one in Trinidad and To­ba­go.

The man, iden­ti­fied as 42-year-old Ledis Jose Or­tez Her­rera, was found dead 80 miles from the bor­der with Mex­i­co.

He was the fourth mi­grant from Nicaragua to have been found dead in the last two weeks.

Brooks Coun­ty Sher­iff’s Of­fice Com­man­der Jorge Es­parza re­port­ed­ly found two iden­ti­fi­ca­tion cards from Nicaragua and Mex­i­co.

Both cards bore the same name and they say the pho­tographs on the cards ap­peared to match the de­ceased.

It was dur­ing a search of his body that they found an ad­dress of an apart­ment in Flori­da and a phone num­ber with an area code as­signed to Trinidad and To­ba­go.

The items were found in the mi­grant’s pock­et.

Au­thor­i­ties are not di­rect­ly link­ing the man to this coun­try, de­spite the num­ber be­ing found on him.

They be­lieve he trav­eled from Nicaragua to Mex­i­co and then crossed the bor­der with hopes of even­tu­al­ly mak­ing it to Mi­a­mi.

It’s not been re­vealed who the Trinidad and To­ba­go num­ber be­longed to.

So far this year, at least 120 mi­grants, in­clud­ing sev­en chil­dren, died while or short­ly af­ter cross­ing the bor­der from Mex­i­co in­to the Unit­ed States.

At least 73 of those were found in Texas, ac­cord­ing to the In­ter­na­tion­al Or­ga­ni­za­tion for Mi­grants’ Miss­ing Mi­grants Project.