Missing Trinidad man found dead

Nicholas “Nicho” Juman was found over a cliff along the road to Maracas Bay yesterday afternoon.
Nicholas “Nicho” Juman was found over a cliff along the road to Maracas Bay yesterday afternoon.

(Trinidad Guardian) Four days af­ter he was re­port­ed miss­ing, the body of 23-year-old Nicholas “Nicho” Ju­man was found over a cliff along the road to Mara­cas Bay yester­day af­ter­noon.

Po­lice of­fi­cers, act­ing on a tip, went to an area near the Mara­cas Look­out at about 4.30 pm where they found his de­com­pos­ing body.

Late Fri­day they were try­ing to re­trieve the body.

Ju­man, of Diego Mar­tin, was last seen on June 4 at about 2 pm wear­ing a white jer­sey and a pair of three-quar­ter jeans.

He was last seen dri­ving a white Nis­san B15 with reg­is­tra­tion plate, PBW 424.

Rel­a­tives told po­lice that he had left home to go to Ch­agua­nas.

His ve­hi­cle was found aban­doned in the Blan­chisseuse area.

An au­top­sy will be con­duct­ed on Mon­day at the Foren­sic Sci­ence Cen­tre in St James to de­ter­mine the ac­tu­al cause of death.