Trinidad: Sergeant arrested, beats wife inside police station

(Trinidad Guardian) A Po­lice Sergeant was ar­rest­ed on Sun­day night af­ter he al­leged­ly at­tacked his wife in­side a po­lice sta­tion where she went to make a re­port that he had threat­ened to kill her.

Ac­cord­ing to po­lice, around 8.45p pm on Sun­day, a 53-year-old Ch­agua­nas woman went to the San Juan Po­lice sta­tion and re­port­ed that dur­ing an ar­gu­ment with her hus­band, who is a po­lice sergeant, he threat­ened to shoot and kill her.

Mo­ments af­ter she left the build­ing, of­fi­cers in­side heard a woman scream­ing and saw a young woman run in­to the sta­tion, beg­ging for as­sis­tance for her moth­er.

Re­spond­ing of­fi­cers saw the se­nior po­lice­man drag­ging his vic­tim along the street and in­ter­vened.

The woman was tak­en back in­to the sta­tion where, ac­cord­ing to the sta­tion di­ary re­port, the se­nior of­fi­cer at­tacked her again.

He was then “es­cort­ed” out of the build­ing.

Short­ly af­ter, the of­fi­cers were told of a man out­side the build­ing try­ing to dam­age the tyre of a car parked in front of the sta­tion.

When they in­ves­ti­gat­ed, they again found the sergeant try­ing to dam­age the ve­hi­cle and tried to sub­due him.

He al­leged­ly be­gan fight­ing back and was even­tu­al­ly ar­rest­ed and tak­en in­to hold­ing at the sta­tion.

The of­fi­cers searched his pri­vate ve­hi­cle, which was parked near­by and found a pis­tol with three mag­a­zines and 27 rounds of 9mm am­mu­ni­tion.