De Veldt, Gaetroy in desperate need of phone services

Dear Editor,

We the residents of De Veldt and Gaetroy of the Berbice River would like to bring to your attention a matter of dire importance to our communities.

For the past three months the phone service in our communities has not been working, which is a huge setback in the sense that this is our only and main source of communication.  The absence of this service is causing a major setback namely: no access to family members, following up on important correspondence, giving in medical reports, notification of important meetings, business transactions and the list goes on.

We would be grateful to GTT to have this service reinstated as early as possible as it is crippling our communities’ population of 507 that the phone service serves.  If this can’t be done maybe the company can deliver cellular service which we would also be grateful for.

All for your information and guidance.

Yours faithfully,

Leah Lepps-Kertizous

Secretary of the De Veldt

Community Development


Editor’s note

This letter was also signed by 262 residents of the communities.