Serious questions surround Cassava Mill project at Kwebana

Dear Editor,

The lack of transparency continues to plague villages like Kwebana.

The tiny village of Kwebana, located in the Moruca District, Region No. 1 about 100 miles up the Waini River seems to be one of the victims of this problem. The attempt to construct a Cassava Mill, a project funded by the Ministry of Indigenous Peoples’ Affairs has raised several worrying questions in the minds of villagers.

One such question is whether the project went through a legal or proper tendering process.

Secondly, why was and is the Minister within the Ministry, the Engineer and the Contractor identified to undertake this Cassava Mill project consulting only with certain members of the community formed to overlook the project e.g. (the Chairman and Treasurer but not the Secretary or others)? This happens whenever they visit the community with the selected couple and not with the entire Village Council with whom the contract for the creation of the Project was signed and who would be the recipient on behalf of the village or for that matter the entire village.

Thirdly, why is the contractor sourcing certain skills outside of the community when qualified persons who possess those very skills reside within the village?

Fourthly, why are the Chairman and Treasurer receiving payments from the funds set aside for the project which is contrary to what the Minister had previously advised the village?

Fifthly, why was the village tractor sidelined for the use of a private vehicle to transport materials for the project when the capacity of both vehicles is almost identical and the cost to use the village tractor is significantly less?

As concerned citizens we would kindly appreciate clear and direct answers to these questions and to have adjustments made where they are called for. Let us restore the confidence in the minds of villagers as it relates to how the government views democracy and transparency.

Yours faithfully,

(Name and address provided)