Condition of No 42 bus park needs to be urgently addressed

Dear Editor,

I am in full support of the suggestions and recommendations made during the recently held meeting with the National Road Safety Council, which was chaired by the Commissioner of Police. I, however, felt that the Public Infrastructure Ministry and the City Council should have been represented at that meeting.

Along with the suggestions that there should be increases in fines and penalties for traffic violations, the condition of the roads in and around the bus/car parks need to be addressed.

The only bus/car park that is in a state where the operators conduct themselves in an orderly and commuter friendly manner, is the No. 44 bus park. Those operators should be complimented.

The newly relocated No. 42 bus park, which is located on the old Lombard Street, is one of the most disorderly (operations) of all the bus parks in and around Georgetown. The roads leading to the park and place in which the buses park, need to be upgraded. The operators there are very unruly, disorganised, confusing and disorderly, especially during the rush hour period.

A portable public convience (toilet) has been placed there but since it has been there, it has never been cleaned/cleared/emptied or washed, so one can imagine the condition of it at present. The stench emanating from behind the old Co-op Bank is unbearable. I think traffic ranks should be placed there, especially in the afternoons, to control the situation.

Even though the Timehri bus park has returned to its original location, there is some kind of order existing there. However, the area where those bus park needs to be upgraded to eliminate the sudden drop existing on the road, especially for those buses that have to park east to west. The other bus parks are reasonably orderly and the operators there maintain that orderly behaviour.

In closing, I think special and urgent attention is needed to address the entire situation at the No. 42 bus park, especially the section on the old Lombard Street.

Yours faithfully,

Colin Gill