Greatest untapped resource is that of our Guyanese women

Dear Editor,

The Guyanese society is one laden with latent potential. However, about fifty percent of this untapped resource is a particular group that is often overlooked, neglected and underestimated, even in this day in age. The Guyanese Woman. To the slew of young women in Guyana whose wrists have been shackled by archaic thinking, whose growth is stymied at every turn and whose potential is oftentimes unrealized because of their sole biological difference of sex – we rise.  This fact is not one which should astound. Regardless of social class, the inveterate mentality of ingrained differences lingers.  Women are raised in Guyana to accept things that should be challenged, to hush their voice when their screams should be heard  from the rooftops and to believe, to believe that they are the lesser sex.  

The controversial debate about equality runs far and wide.  This is not the reason of this excerpt. Rather, I’d like to challenge my fellow citizens to break the cycle of tradition, abandon convention and make your own rules as you rally ahead. Nothing is unachievable. Equal opportunity and the support of parents to encourage their daughters to pursue can reap exponential rewards; not only for themselves but for Guyana in its entirety. The greatest untapped resource is that of our Guyanese women. Arguably the backbone of the nation, we must instead, feed the fire that lays dormant. What can materialize far outweighs anything we can imagine. Let our women fly. 

Yours faithfully,

Sara Sammy