Poor GPL, GTT service continuing

Dear Editor,

One cannot help feeling that we are getting a raw deal with part of the Government and the GTT and GPL companies, it is not that these people are unaware of the sufferings of the populace. I kindly ask for some prominent publicity with this complaint.

Let us take the telephone. I am at 233-2143, 233-2734 and most of last week and before up to today for four consecutive days we have no telephone and light. Who is there to complain to, the Public Telecommunication Ministry takes no interest, I tried complaints by letter writing and this did no good and the absence of the use of our telephone and light makes it impossible to continue our daily lives.

I tried writing to the Public Utilities Commission  which regulates the operation. What do we do now? Is Digicel still offering to take over the telephone services? Why can’t we try someone else? What does a sick man do lying on his bed?

As far as electricity is concerned there appears to be a race for the best offender, every now and again no lights.  Muslims in particular are suffering in the holy month of Ramadan from regular blackouts. 

When will our sufferings end?

Yours faithfully,

SMV Nasseer