Better service since no-confidence motion

Dear Editor,

Immediately after the change of government, signs could be seen all over signalling that things might be looking better. Even ‘cold cases’ were being solved by the Guyana Police Force and attitudes seemed to be different in most places, including government entities. A first assumption was that as a result of the changes, staff might be under the impression that they would be replaced by party supporters, or in some cases, party supporters were given jobs and their attitude changed drastically.

Ironically, after the first year, the attitudes seemed to return to normal; bribery/paying for service returned and staff in many places were reluctant to assist, etc. Many were of the opinion that because the government saw it fit to award themselves a ‘huge’ salary increase and the unnecessary spending on luxury vehicles/foods/alcohol/traveling, allegations of government officials being corrupt started to circulate. With companies downsizing, various places closing down and other issues, everyone just got fed up, even as prices increased and promises of jobs creation seemed to be diminishing.

Despite solving cases, allegations were still being levelled against members of the Guyana Police Force for corruption. Many are being investigated and charged.  

Editor, since the no-confidence motion in December 2018, as the government tried various tactics to outmanoeuvre the opposition and avoid facing an early election, realisation seemed to sink back into the workforce and slowly, we are witnessing admirable changes all over again.

From my personal observation, going into most places, security or people (staff without identification) approach you, question your purpose there and direct you to the relevant area/booth, etc. In some cases, you are given a number and guided to a seat or waiting area.

Last week, accompanying my mother to the NIS, we were questioned about our purpose for visiting and directed to the department responsible. A half-hour was not done and she was being attended to and had she taken all the requisite documents, all her business would have been sorted out that day. Whilst waiting outside, I was directed to a seat and based on my observations, the security personnel keep moving around and assisting people and every time a staff member passes you, they ask if you are being served. In some cases, those who have been there for a lengthy period are being pointed out and they are being looked after.

I must say, the way these places are operating now is worthy of being praised, but my question is, why the sudden changes? In most places, it is mainly the same staff and security that worked under the previous administration, now working under this administration, in the same position and for basically the same salary with a few changes.

With the tax changes by this administration and the salary increases, most are still saying that things are harder now than under the previous administration. It makes me wonder if industrial sabotage was occurring under the previous administration and I am wondering how long the various changes will continue.

Yours faithfully,

Sahadeo Bates