Why public places in Guyana are still dangerous for women

“University of Guyana (had a guy on a motorcycle follow me at night from all the way… [from]  by Bursary to the parking lot shining a light on my ass and commenting on the things he’d do if he had access to my ass), had cases of walking on the road and had guys following me for almost my entire journey. Had one instance where I had to step into Republic Bank on New Market street and wait a while cuz a guy started getting aggressive cuz I wasn’t responding to his questions and started pulling on my hands and putting his hands in my face). Too many to mention.”

That was a comment by a Facebook friend of poet Renata Burnette detailing instances where she was sexually harassed in public.

Last week Sunday the poet, radio host and activist updated her status asking her friends to state the places where they are afraid to go because they were sexually harassed.