Make a positive change for 2020

There is no denying that improving your health can take a bit of effort, organisation, planning and dedication. However, there are ways to make the change easier for yourself by putting plans in place early to avoid setbacks later.

As many of you have probably heard, changes in body composition and health are generally considered 80% diet and 20% exercise. However, there really needs to be a percentage allocated to mindset and goal setting, which represent the psychological component. 

All aspects of these are essential to consider, but we cannot deny that nutrition really is a major key in changing your shape and health, and in doing so you need to put plans in place to ditch the junk.

You have to want it!

Coming back to the psychological point, you have to want to change! You can read all the self-help articles, enlist as many people as you like to help, but at the end of the day, if you have no desire deep down to want to change, it isn’t likely to happen. And certainly not easily. The choice is yours, ultimately.

If you are committed to change, it is necessary to put some plans in place to set yourself up for success. Initially, if possible, gain the support of your family and the friends who surround you and let them know you want to make a positive change in your health. You will be much more successful if you have the support of loved ones.

Goal setting

It is then necessary to set some achievable goals. Research often says you are likely to be 80% more successful if you set yourself one goal at a time. Once you add in more, the success rate drops down to roughly 20%. So be committed to take the time to change and work on goals you can achieve. For example, you may want to start walking most days of the week, or to cut out sodas or “sweet drinks” as we call them in Guyana. Set a long-term goal, but then break it down into daily and weekly goals that you can easily achieve. Think of them as small pieces in the puzzle and try taking one step at a time.

The fast track

To fast-track your results, it may be worth enlisting the help of health professionals who can monitor you and make suggestions that are best suited to your goals and needs. This may be through the incorporation of a physical therapist, personal trainer, dietician, nutritionist and your doctor. If you do have any injuries or medical conditions, it is important to speak and work with your doctor to ensure you are aware of any implications that come with changing your lifestyle.


Mindset is a crucial part of success as well, and this can often be your undoing in changing your health when you start to doubt yourself, lose motivation or start focusing on negative thoughts. Staying positive and surrounding yourself with positive affirmations, supportive people and focusing on your goals can certainly assist with your success rate.

And, lastly, don’t beat yourself up if you have a bad day, miss a workout, or overeat. That is life; no one is perfect. Refocus on your goals and continue on. Being down on yourself will only produce negativity, which is not beneficial to your overall outcome.

By utilising some of these strategies, you can help make the journey a lot smoother and your chances of success a lot higher. That doesn’t mean it will be easy. Change isn’t always easy, but it will be worth it.