Trinidad: Father beats 8 year-old daughter to death with cutlass for wetting the bed

Makeisha Maynard, 8, pictured with her father Michael Maynard
Makeisha Maynard, 8, pictured with her father Michael Maynard

(Trinidad Guardian) Eight-year-old Makeisha May­nard’s life end­ed when she was planassed to death by her fa­ther for a bed­wet­ting in­ci­dent. Her fa­ther, Michael May­nard, was lat­er found hang­ing at their Ca­roni home.

Po­lice said they were told by the girl’s ten-year-old broth­er that Makeisha reg­u­lar­ly wet the bed and on Sat­ur­day night when May­nard woke up to find his pants soaked in urine, he sent the girl to bathe be­fore beat­ing her with a cut­lass. When he re­alised that she was not re­spon­sive, he dressed her, combed her hair and placed her on a bed.

The boy told po­lice his fa­ther was cry­ing and kept say­ing he could not live with him­self for what he did to Makeisha. He then locked him in the house and left promis­ing to re­turn but nev­er did. At about 6 pm on Sun­day, when the boy re­alised his fa­ther had not re­turned, he jumped out of a win­dow and alert­ed neigh­bours.

May­nard was found hang­ing from a tree near his small gal­va­nized shack at Boysie Trace, Kel­ly Vil­lage.

Inside the home where eight-year-old Makeisha Maynard was killed by her father Michael Maynard on Sunday night.

The house was de­stroyed by fire yes­ter­day evening. Po­lice sus­pect ar­son as the rea­son.

Makeisha’s moth­er, Mayso­nia Thomas, said she ran from a life of abuse with May­nard. She claimed that when Makeisha was just six days old, the in­fant was hit on the head dur­ing an in­ci­dent where she was be­ing beat­en by May­nard. She said, as a re­sult, the girl suf­fered de­vel­op­men­tal de­lays.

“I left him when my daugh­ter Makeisha was three months old and my son was three years old,” Thomas said.

She said Makeisha could iden­ti­fy num­bers, colours and shapes but “her brain not con­nect­ing to the hands for her to write.” She said Makeisha and her broth­er lived with their step­fa­ther un­til last year Feb­ru­ary when May­nard took them away.

She claimed she had called their grand­moth­er who told her that she had them.

“I de­cid­ed to leave them there with her be­cause I know she took good care of them be­cause Michael used to abuse them too. I didn’t know that he took them out of school and had them out for al­most a year.

“I guess his fam­i­ly nev­er went for them be­cause he was al­so abu­sive and ag­gres­sive to­wards them too and every­one was afraid of him. It’s on­ly Sun­day night I got the call that Michael beat she for wet­ting the bed,” she said.

Thomas said she was stabbed five years ago and lodged sev­er­al re­ports against May­nard at po­lice sta­tions, in­clud­ing Mor­vant, Ca­roni and CID, but he was nev­er ar­rest­ed.

May­nard’s neigh­bours, who did not want to be iden­ti­fied, de­scribed him as a mon­ster and in re­cent days he had been more ag­gres­sive than usu­al and seemed “very frus­trat­ed.”

Makeisha’s broth­er is cur­rent­ly in the care of the Chil­dren’s Au­thor­i­ty and Thomas said she will try her best to re­gain cus­tody of her son.

Fam­i­ly of­fered coun­selling

Min­is­ter of So­cial De­vel­op­ment and Fam­i­ly Ser­vices Camille Robin­son-Reg­is yes­ter­day ap­pealed to cit­i­zens who find them­selves un­able to cope with life sit­u­a­tions to seek help. As she ex­tend­ed con­do­lences to the May­nard fam­i­ly, she re­vealed that Na­tion­al Fam­i­ly Ser­vices would be con­tact­ing the fam­i­ly to pro­vide coun­selling sup­port.

“Such sup­port con­tin­ues to be made free of charge to in­di­vid­u­als and house­holds. Oth­er ser­vices which pro­vide coun­selling and psy­choso­cial sup­port in­clude the min­istry’s an­nu­al cy­cles of com­mu­ni­ty-based par­ent­ing work­shops that are held across var­i­ous dis­tricts and which are tai­lored to equip par­tic­i­pants with the nec­es­sary knowl­edge, skills and at­ti­tudes to treat with is­sues in­clud­ing ado­les­cence, bul­ly­ing, trends in tech­nol­o­gy, teenage preg­nan­cy and so on,” Robin­son-Reg­is said.

Al­so, com­mu­ni­ty out­reach car­a­vans are be­ing held through­out the coun­try, with the next one sched­uled for Pin­to Road, Ari­ma, on Wednes­day.

Robin­son-Reg­is ap­pealed to men, in par­tic­u­lar, to seek out the help they need in rais­ing their chil­dren.

“Is­sues aris­ing out of the fail­ure to man­age anger and in­ti­mate part­ner vi­o­lence are be­com­ing in­creas­ing­ly preva­lent, and more men are be­ing iden­ti­fied as per­pe­tra­tors,” she said.

The min­is­ter em­pha­sised that in­di­vid­u­als need to take re­spon­si­bil­i­ty and avail them­selves of the ser­vices they need.