Covid-19 and the gym

The bad news is that the coronavirus can remain on myriad surfaces for long periods, which means that it is possible to contract it even if you do not come into direct contact with someone who has it. You might happen to touch the same glass, metal, plastic or surface that person sneezed, cough or rubbed their unclean hands on and then inadvertently touch your eyes, nose or mouth.

Incidentally, glass, metal and plastic describe virtually every piece of equipment in a gym or fitness centre. Every dumbbell. Every weight plate. Every handle on every machine. Every control panel on every stationary bike and treadmill. Every mirror or countertop.

And if you’re a trainer who works in a gym, you not only touch that equipment hundreds of times a day, you’re in proximity to your clients and coworkers.

That being said, gyms actually have three advantages over other places where people gather or shop. People in gyms tend to be healthy, and there are few who will still go and workout when they are under the weather. The average gym goer also tends to be more health-conscious than, say, the person in the grocery store who inspects a dozen pieces of fruit before selecting one. Conscientious gym goers wipe down their equipment after they have used it, so that its clean for the next user.

Because gyms have so much glass and chrome, and because those surfaces look terrible when they’re dirty or smudged, most facilities have someone who cleans them at least once a day. What was once an onerous chore is now a selling point.

None of this means there’s no risk to fitness pros and enthusiasts, or that gyms can’t do better, especially when it comes to cleaning the non-shiny things like weight plates and cable attachments. But when you think about how many articles and news reports over the years have portrayed gyms as hot zones for infectious pathogens, it’s reassuring to know they are relatively well positioned for times like this.

Nevertheless, you should still observe social distancing and follow the guidelines set out by the health authorities. Fortunately, there are workout apps, some of which are free, that you can use at home to stay fit until the situation returns to normal.