Helpful supplements

The current Covid-19 health crisis means that a lot of us are paying much more attention to our health and well-being than usual. Things like immunity are often taken for granted, but with more and more people being infected, it makes sense to do everything we can to stay safe and well. 

The best way to stay fit and healthy is to eat nutrient-rich meals that contain plenty of vegetables, fruits, and other wholesome ingredients. Exercise also has a part to play, even if that means working out at home. And, as difficult as it may be, keeping a lid on stress will help too. 

There are also a few supplements that I will discuss this week and the ones to

follow that can help boost your overall health and well-being. Using these supplements, as well as maintaining a healthy lifestyle, may help reduce your risk of contracting this deadly disease that has infected in excess of a million people worldwide to date.


Most people who use glutamine do so for its recovery-boosting effects. It’s also useful for decreasing post-exercise muscle soreness, increasing protein metabolism, and speeding up fat burning. 

However, glutamine is also good for boosting gut health, and that is crucial for a properly functioning immune system. 

Your gut contains billions of friendly bacteria which play a critical role in digestion and immunity. If your gut bacteria are healthy, you are more likely to be healthy too. Glutamine reduces the inflammation that can hurt your friendly bacteria, and that allows them to thrive and prosper, contributing to your well-being.

Glutamine is also a key ingredient for glutathione, a powerful antioxidant that protects cells from damage.

Glutamine, which is an isolated amino acid, is very easy to use. Just add one five-gramme serving to 10 oz of water and drink it down. Alternatively, you can add it to juices, smoothies, or shakes. 

Branch Chain Amino Acids (BCAAs)

Your body is made up of around 60% water. It uses water for a huge range of essential processes, including temperature regulation, lubrication, transportation of nutrients, and keeping your skin supple. While you can go for several weeks without food, just a few days without water can be fatal. Water is essential for your health and well-being. 

A lot of people are mildly dehydrated all of the time. This can cause a range of problems, from low energy levels to sluggish digestion to headaches and non-specific back pain. Dehydration can also affect your immunity. 

Drinking a quarter to half a gallon (two to three litres) of water per day can help prevent dehydration, but you may benefit from more than just plain water. 

BCAAs contain electrolytes, which are minerals commonly lost during sweating and urination. Fat and sugar-free, BCAAs help ensure the fluids you consume end up in the right places in your body, inside of cells. They also contains vitamins and minerals that can help boost energy and immunity and taste pretty good too. Drink BCAAs several times a day in place of sugar-laden sodas and juices. 

Protein powder

Your immune system needs adequate protein to function correctly. While you can get protein from foods like eggs, meat, fish, poultry, nuts, pulses, and some grains, cooking these foods is not always practical.

The good news is that you can use protein powders to provide your body with the protein it needs to stay healthy. 

Protein powder mixes easily with water to make a smooth, tasty shake. It is very digestible too. Most protein powders also contain a range of additional vitamins and minerals to support your heath and enhance your recovery after exercise. 

Not eating enough protein means your body has to break down muscle tissue to get the amino acids it needs – a process called catabolism. Lost muscle mass will affect both your physical performance and your metabolism. 

Consuming adequate amounts of protein, about one gramme per pound of body weight per day, can help preserve muscle mass and, because protein has a high thermic effect, increase fat burning too. Protein is also very satiating, so it will help ward off unwanted hunger pangs and cravings. 

Note: While none of the products listed are a cure for COVID-19, each one will still have a significant effect on your mental and physical well-being. Taking all the recommended precautions, eating as healthily as you can, exercising where practical and safe to do so, and using some well-chosen supplements should help make this worldwide health crisis a little easier to weather. After all, even a small increase in immunity and well-being is important during this challenging period.