My old party’s Paramountcy – Now a discredited joke?

-Sad unending power-lust

Even as I feel that this which you now read should be my final lamentation of regret over the diminished status of a Party I once embraced, I know that my peers, the age-group oldsters – still tribal and loyal will fume at my derogation, disparagement of “my old party” – the People’s National Congress (PNC).

The above is a too-long non-journalistic sentence to introduce a personal developed disappointment with the transformed entity which the new PNC has metamorphosed into. In truth, it should not be any business of mine these days. Not since 1997 when Kit Nascimento’s Commentary against Cheddi Jagan’s misconstrued remarks helped me to a final decision to quit a once formidable political institution. Let me explain in two or three paragraphs.


PNC glory days, amidst cheating

Those die-hards, even students of local politics, who still all have some interest, would be familiar with the following (personal) historical snapshots.

Cheddi Jagan by-passed the still-alive Ashton Chase and made Linden Forbes Sampson Burnham chairman of the popular PPP – the People’s Progressive Party. LFSB the savvy, ambitious British-trained lawyer, frankly speaking, always had his eyes on a much bigger prize.

 Race, operational, strategic and ideological differences soon saw Burnham creating his version of the PPP (Burnhamite) then his “very own PNC”. But racial voting and Cheddi’s charisma prevented Burnham winning fairly any poll.

Came December 1964, Forbes’s master stroke of Coalition Politics, British and American active influences; and Burnham ascended Guyana’s political throne from 1964-1985; Desmond Hoyte from 1985-1992, a total of 28 PNC years. At Guyana’s expense!

But rigging elections apart, or because of that sad phenomenon, the PNC because a premier political institution – here and in the West Indies. Brilliant minds worked for the Party suspected of sustained electoral fraud. Rashleigh Jackson, Fred Wills, Kenneth King, Joe Tyndall, Shridath Ramphal, Mohamed Shahabuddeen would argue that they were disposed to “Serving their countrymen”, rigging or no rigging. Many of them went on to serve in the highest fora of the international community! Score ten for Forbes’ PNC!


The kabaka, paramountcy – and me

His Machiavellian political strategies and sustained electoral thievery- ignored by the Afro-CARICOM – soon produced Burnham the African political Kabaka, or king.

And despite all his excesses some of us still felt that Burnham and PNC would be better for the Guyanese “Black man’s opportunities and development”. Alas! Before and during his harsh economic restrictions and bannings, IMF cold shoulder, thousands of Afros migrated to Brooklyn, as did Indos to Queens in the USA.

Comrade Joshua Chowritmootoo dubbed Burnham’s ground-breaking policy presentation at a  PNC Special Congress in December 1974 as the “Declaration of Sophia.” Suffice to say, ten years after his 1964 “Coali-tion” Victory, paramountcy of the PNC emerged in full-daylight force: Party flag over judiciary buildings, dependent Public Service, trade unions affiliated to PNC – the works. Then – economic decline.

And where was I then? Writing local relevant readers for schools, acting as Chief Information Officer, then beginning “elections work” in 1980.  I still dared to believe! (I would meekly complain about excesses to comrades Oscar Clarke, Malcolm Parris or Robert Corbin but ho-ho-ho!)

I even discussed mutual dental problems with Forbes at his Residence; debated CARICOM with him one night at Kuru Kuru and edited a simplified version of the Declaration. After conducting a Demonstration Lesson with the whole Cabinet as the “class.” Ptollo Reid was proud of me. PNC groups thrived but hope faded.


Today’s shame, ridicule…

Look it’s no longer my business but I was there. Like happened to Cheddi’s PPP today’s PNC has as its “leader” a Burnham disciple who has obviously lost his way!

Military leader-for-life instincts, with the most insulting power grab through a now forever discredited GECOM, have His Excellency discredited – for life left. The ridiculous icing on his political cake is the so-called dossier sent to American lobbyists. Makes this one time “PNC man” ashamed! Who are the “experienced political advisers”? Man, Frankly Speaking, they make Bharrat J. look excellent!


Post- Corona – and Powerlust

Will there ever be an old-time normal consequent upon COVID-19 anytime soon? Dr Bux – and I – think not. Only when a proven effective vaccine is available to the world.

Until then expect a new world of new necessary behaviours, here and globally. New working environments, new social interactions, sustained health protocols and legislation, altered educational approaches. You, we, just have to cope!

Again I declare: I’m now beaten by the lust for political/governmental power reminiscent of the brilliant Burnham’s worst sides. But even as they struggle to maintain – and – regain – reign, heed the omens – COVID and oil prices. Amen.


Just ponder please

● 1)   Until the COVID vaccine emerges – the new “normal” will affect dining, international conferences, employment, trade, migration. And oh, you’ll have to test – as in diabetes!

●  2)  American Virologist/infectious Disease Expert Dr. Fauci says “this is an extremely efficient virus.”

● 3)  Any prominent individual or organization criticizes? Explore their past. Find a flaw. Exaggerate and exploit. Discredit

●  4)  The old PPP man insists: “If I was now uncertain, man I would be making myself and family right.”

●  5)   I’ll give you a gift if ever you get the NIS by telephone- and congrats to all sports editors for keeping your sports pages going.

Til next week!
