Achieving and maintaining gains

I have been working really hard on my calves. For most physique athletes, myself included, the calves are the body parts that tend to be found lacking.

And while many physique athletes seem to neglect training their calves, they are also of the opinion that if they are not taking enough supplements, they will not be successful. I believe that some supplements are necessary. I am not saying you need to take all of the supplements I will list below, but they can all help. And when your goal is to add size to a difficult-to-grow muscle group like calves, you can use all the help you can get.

1. Protein and creatine

When adding mass is the goal, aim for 1 gramme of protein for every pound of body weight. To accomplish that, you will need to prioritize it in your day. I recommend having 1-2 scoops of protein powder in a post-workout shake after every workout, along with whole foods rich in protein.

Creatine is also a no-brainer for muscle growth. There is no consensus on when to take creatine, but perhaps the easiest way to remember to use it is to add it to your post-workout shake. I usually dump 5 grammes of creatine monohydrate in my post-workout shake.

2. Pre-workout

A pre-workout supplement will help you focus and give you energy to train hard. I am currently using Total War. It contains the right amounts of citrulline malate (6-8 grammes), beta-alanine, and caffeine. I sometimes add creatine for extra carb energy.

3. Post-workout

When you exercise your muscles, you deplete the glycogen in them. Carbs help to replace it.  If you get only protein, your body will change the protein into carbs, and you will have wasted time and money.

You have several options for how to take in those carbs. You can take a post-workout supplement that includes at least 20 to 30 grammes of carbohydrates, but many of them have low or no protein. You can eat some carbs with protein in the form of protein bars. You can also use weight-gain protein powder. Just make sure you are getting good quality complex carbohydrates and not simple sugar. Use a weight-gain protein powder if you want to gain weight or increase your carbs and fat when you mix your protein shakes.

Aside from everything you’re putting into your body to ensure it works optimally, there are other things you can and should do if you really want that result. One thing is to avoid getting stressed as it can hurt you and hinder muscle growth. During the day and before bed, do something you enjoy that is relaxing.

Good quality sleep is also essential for muscle growth. While you sleep, your body produces testosterone, which builds muscles. If you are having trouble getting good quality sleep, you might want to consider a good ZMA supplement. ZMA or zinc magnesium aspartate contains zinc, magnesium, and vitamin B6. It is touted as being good for muscle growth, recovery, and sleep quality. Along with a good night’s sleep ZMA will also help to feed your muscles protein while you sleep.