Random stops by the police can turn out to be big business

Dear Editor,

The decision by the management of G.W.I to send home many of its workers should come as no surprise as it was this present government when almost two hundred and fifty employees of G.P.L were retrenched on the pretext of destructing. This is the same reason G.W.I is claiming for the sending home their employees. When G.P.L did the retrenchment I was an employee there and was not retrenched because I was almost at retirement age and had an impeccable employee record. What should be noted here and be of great concern is that both of these agencies’ employees belong to one specific ethnic group. Secondly, it has been reported by the Traffic Chief that random stops of vehicles should only be allowed if there are reasonable suspicion and not for checking of documents of the said vehicles by police ranks. However, what Traffic Chief related is like throwing water on duck’s back or it is that police ranks have no respect for the order made by the Traffic Chief. I say this because there are random stops still occurring especially on the East Bank road in the vicinity of the Providence police station and at Friendship. At the Friendship location there are sometimes between six to eight armed police ranks conducting this exercise. With the number of vehicles being stopped there at any given time one wonders what reasonable suspicion could there be of those vehicles being stopped. It is very frustrating because at times; one has to wait in line for over ten minutes to present your document to the police on request. However make no mistake random stops by the police can sometimes turn out to be ‘big’ business


Colin Gill