If society’s values are to be reflected then the criteria for teacher recruitment need to be revised

Dear Editor,

When the phrases “Teaching is a noble profession” and “Teachers are role models” were attached to teachers and teaching, there were qualities that were inseparable from the teacher. Some of these qualities are honesty, caring, compassionate, polite, humbleness and colour-blind in terms of race, among others. It is widely known that a teacher must not influence their charges with their religion or with their political preferences. And I dare say, should not be on political platforms while being paid as a teacher.

Today, the qualities that are being displayed by many of our teachers leave much to be desired. They are openly dishonest, rude, hostile, indecent and boisterous. Many in the profession today are misfits with university education. They are of the mistaken belief that education makes a teachers. Far from the truth! A teacher does not only disseminate knowledge, but far more important, he/she teaches more from their attitude, behaviour, biases and other qualities both positive and negative, from what the children discern in the teacher. Hence, the role of the teacher as a positive model for children to emulate is integral.

Today’s teachers, to a large extent, are tarnishing the name of the profession by aligning to issues that should not have been an issue in the first place. They, the teachers, are being fed misinformation which they should have analysed as teachers. Perhaps, it is an innate quality of anarchy that is guiding their thinking. Having been a teacher for a great number of years, I shudder at the antics of some of those whom I thought ought to know and do better. Then again, if the society’s values are reflected in them then the criteria for being recruited as a teacher need to be revised.


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