The need to believe – in something

What do Kings, Presidents - and communists - believe?

One politician’s Good Friday

Mankind seems to have a sustained desire, even the crucial need, to believe in something, someone, way beyond his own mortal human everyday existence.

Religions spawned faith in even dependence on some Creator, Almighty, divine oversoul, a “God” – by whatever name (s) the various versions of religious beliefs described the source of the faith.

So what was humankind’s earliest, most original beliefs? What did the first humans – out of Africa – believe in, when their earthly daily considerations failed them? Did worship of sun, moon, water, air, animals spawn the major religions known today? I bet that Christians will point only to their Holy Bible to discover the answers and sources.

However, I submit respectfully, that the quiet reverent reflections of this Christian Holiest of Days is an opportunity to mull upon the queries raised in the preceding paragraphs.

Over the past twenty-nine (29) years I’ve enjoyed exploring the powerful drama which the Christian presentations of the Last Supper, the “trial” the reluctant conviction, then the rejection (of Jesus in favour of  Barrabas) followed of course, by the execution by crucifixion and eventually the resurrection or rising after death itself was vanquished.

Even though not an activist Christian (Believer) myself, the Holy and Easter Weeks’ events may either be powerful myths or the very foundation of the Christian faith. Frankly speaking I freely confess that even in my advanced sentences now my mind is too “small” to accommodate all of the Easter Story in the preceding paragraphs.

 The four Bible Reporters – Matthew, Mark, Luke, John – agreed on the basics decades after events occurred. But even amongst them there are a few dissimilarities that loyal Christians decide won’t make them disbelieve. Mankind needs to believe so to be able always to turn to higher forces than earthly laws, principles even morals, to survive daily challenges. And if Christians don’t believe in their immaculate/ virgin birth and their resurrection, there is no basis for their faith. So who am I to question the writers???


What do the earthly mighty really believe?

Emperors, Emirs, Kings, Queens, Presidents – all those holding themselves out as peoples’ leaders – democratically so elected to do – or not – do have various brands of beliefs through faith.

 Not all beliefs leaders follow are based on pure religion however. Man-made laws are constructed most frequently, for good order; to establish status and governance. Even protection for those being led. National constitutions are fashioned; some becoming as religious practical doctrine. Leaders follow – or use them as tools for good, for evil, for dominion over others.

    Politicians and leaders sometimes cleverly use the Church, the Mandir or Mosque to inculcate adoration, influence. The Christian Easter Story is replete with the intrigue of the consequences of leaders’ attitudes towards Jesus who become the Christ. Use today to consider the Biblical accounts of the actions of the Jewish chief priests, Pontius Pilate and the devious (?) King Herod.

           Consider what Russia’s Putin believes as Ukraine elderly and toddlers are slaughtered by his army. What God allows such free rein to savage dictators? Ponder as you worship today.


One Christian politician’s Easter

  The late PPP Government Minister Dr Dale Bisnauth would cheerfully remind that when he and his late political leader Dr. Cheddi Jagan would exercise together in Georgetown’s National Park, the Reverend Bisnauth, would gently raise Christians teaching with Dr. Cheddi.

         One Christian Member of Parliament once disliked his Party Leader’s attitude to the Bible. But the Christians believed in using his Faith to trump partisan politics. I dedicate the following quotes from Jesus Christ to that politician of Faith.

 “I come not to call the righteous – but sinners to repentance”.

“Take heed that ye be not deceived, for most shall come in my name”; Nation small rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom… and great earthquakes shall be in diverse places, and famines and pestilences and fearful sights and great signs shall there be from heaven”.

Another favourite of this writer is when the risen Jesus mildly rebuked doubting Thomas/ Didymus

Telling him “Blessed are they that have not seen and have believed” after Thomas had requested physical proof of His Risen Lord’s re-appearance.

 One last Good Friday quote for my politician would be: “Now faith the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen”.

  A Pleasant Day of Peaceful Ponderings for all today.


A few Easter thoughts …

1. As Putin’s army ignores all conventions of modern warfare the female Ukrainian M.P. calls them savages, rapists, sadists. What a one- race war!

2. Good question: whatever became of the PPP’s order of democracy?

3. Were US Visas ever returned to those coalition folks who lost them in 2020?

4. I recall Comrade Volda Lawrence insisting that she was retiring; that she “was tired”. Now rejuvenated to be welcomed backed!

`Til next week
