Major General (Rtd) Singh appointed chair of Natural Resource Fund board

Joe Singh
Joe Singh

President Irfaan Ali today appointed the Natural Resource Fund (NRF) board and named Major General (Rtd) Joe Singh as the Chairman.

In addition to Singh, President Ali also announced two other appointees: Carolyn Rodrigues, Guyana’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations and United Kingdom Member of Parliament David Lammy whose parents are Guyanese.

Earlier, the Private Sector Commission had chosen business executive Ramesh Dookhoo and Parliament had selected former PNC MP Dunstan Barrow for the five-member board.

The PPP/C’s version of the legislation governing the NRF has been heavily criticised. There was no consultation on it and the government rushed it through Parliament.

Ali has appointed three members of the board all on his own and critics say that the PPP/C government is seeking full control of all aspects of the administration of oil revenues.