Traffic control needed on this congested and chaotic artery

Dear Editor,

Traffic congestion is a significant problem in our city which result in greater intolerance on the part of many drivers today. Today I want to focus on Middleton Street between David Street in the north and Duncan St in the south. This narrow corridor is inadequate for the increased number of vehicles now using it. The street is in very bad condition to begin with and much too narrow for two lane navigation when you add parking on both sides.  Just north of Durey Lane there is a large sink hole which keeps getting worse by the day and the further north you travel the surface becomes a greater nightmare as impatient drivers of commercial and private vehicles jostle each other to pass.

There is also the Rama Krishna Primary School on this stretch which adds to the chaos twice a day and like if that is not enough someone has granted permission for a private school at a corner just feet away from an intersection. This private school create the worst congestion as parents stop and park on both sides of the road leaving their vehicles mostly badly parked for an easy pull out when they return without much concern for others. I use this road twice a day and have never seen a police or school patrol helping out with the congestion. It is pointless now to wonder who would have granted permission for a private school without studying the obvious logistics. I am appealing to those concerned to urgently investigate the upgrading and traffic control of this main artery.


Bernard Ramsay