Two of these were wanted men

Dear Editor,

I refer to Mr Tacuma Ogunseye’s letter captioned “The situation that African Guyanese are confronted with requires a political response” (07.11. 09).

I wonder if Mr Ogunseye is aware that wanted bulletins were out for at least two of those individuals he refers to. Does Mr Ogunseye believe that when bulletins were out for such a lengthy time they should still be treated with kid gloves? He gives the impression that the police want to pin charges on David Leander for things he is unaware of. I hope he is not trying to question the work of the police. I also believe that the relatives of David Leander should be charged for aiding and abetting him. Now that he is caught they are very concerned with his welfare but in the case of some of these high-profile criminals, their families benefit from their activities.

The African bodies and the PNCR have failed the Africans badly in this country. They do not want to accept that their roles are counter productive and meaningless. However, they are quick to lay blame on the government. They also feel that the Joint Services should not go after them with such force because the GDF and GPF are populated with Africans. What is surprising is that this shallow reasoning is coming from people who ought to know better.

He also asked why the armed forces are not acting against the drug lords. Well if he knows who the drug lords are, maybe he can pass on the information. Another thing, if enough of the small fishes are caught the drug lords would run out of business.

Yours faithfully,

Tajpaul Gainda