Chess with Errol Tiwari

 Chess helps empower children to succeed

The secret to success, happiness, achieving your desires, all of the things that we as humans do and aspire to be, comes down to one concept: the ability to accurately assess your position. Everything you do in life is a move and there would be a response. This is a concept that has been bubbling in my mind and it comes alive for me on the chessboard. – Will Smith, actor, chess player.

The un-shakeable belief that chess develops critical thinking skills, builds self-esteem, teaches discipline, fosters positive social skills, motivates academic achievement and empowers children to succeed, has led to its growing popularity in schools internationally.
For this year, chess is being taught as an integral part of the regular math curriculum to 130,000 students in Canadian schools. In New York, Guyanese-born teachers are teaching chess in schools to complement a more comprehensive understanding of mathematics.