Passengers have suffered some delays and inconvenience on this domestic airline

Dear Editor,
It has become a matter of urgency to review the operational aspects of the local airline industry to determine whether it is meeting its obligations to users in a satisfactory manner.
Initially, when the idea of forming and operating a local air service was mentioned a promise of providing a better, more reliable service at a cheaper rate was made.
I suspect from what I have seen that there is an internal arrangement with the service providers and a ‘zoning’ system is in effect. In this zoning, it seems that Air Services Ltd. (ASL) has been zoned Regions 8 and 9.
But the services of ASL leave much to be desired, there has been a steady decline both qualitatively and in deliverables. I once travelled in an aircraft that was heavily scented with raw beef. My experiences with this service can be summarized as unreliable, not punctual, not dependable and shoddy treatment of passengers.