Dr Jagan used to criticise nepotism under the PNCR

Dear Editor,

Freddie Kissoon has once again dealt with the PPP’s nepotism in his letter captioned “Nepotism is much more developed under this government than under Burnham” (08.04.13). The first time I heard the word “nepotism” was in the mid 1970s, and it was uttered by Dr Jagan. In fact, it became one of his favourite platforms of criticism of the PNC regime. Thirty years later nepotism has become a main point of Freddie Kissoon’s much reasoned criticism of the now governing PPP. It is now quite clear that the PNC’s nepotism was but a molehill compared to the PPP’s. Freddie must be complimented for his persistence in bringing the PPP’s hypocrisy to the public domain.