Bounty Killer failed to ignite

– QQ, Wayne Wonder put on good show

By Zoisa Fraser

Despite his open attack on gays, glorification of guns, chants of “bullet, bullet” and obscene language, the thousands that flocked the National Park for the Ignition Concert, jumped and gyrated to every word that came out of Bounty Killer’s mouth, few though they were.

The controversial Jamaican singer appeared to have put the icing on the cake for those who had gone to the show expecting the kind of offensive, gangster performance his name is now synonymous with.

His fellow Jamaicans, QQ and Wayne Wonder were able to put on a better show without following in his footsteps.

As with all entertainment shows here in Guyana, several local singers were on stage for over two hours, attempting to entertain but instead creating an atmosphere filled with disinterest. The performances failed miserably to hype the crowd of people who could be seen walking around with bored expression on their faces or socialising with their friends during the local items.