‘An excellent track record’

Dear Editor,

Dr Anand Persaud is more sober but still confrontational in his second commentary about my poll in a letter captioned, ‘Further questions about Bisram’s poll’ (SN, 13.5.08)) than in his first attack on the poll (SN, 10.5.08).  My first degree (yes, I too went to university) was in Bio-Chemistry, and as a scientist, I was trained to offer solid evidence (by way of lab findings) to refute an argument. Anand Persaud did the opposite.  So I was literally shocked when as a specialist in “life sciences” (of which Bio-Chemistry is a discipline), Persaud condemned the poll and then asked questions trying “to gather evidence” to discredit it. It appears that he came with a preconceived agenda to knock the poll regardless of what the findings were.