Fashion focus model search a sellout

Some of the regulars at the casting call

Local catwalk regulars and a string of hopefuls eager to strut their stuff at the Carifesta Fashion Focus in August this year turned up in record numbers at the casting call held on Sunday at Zoom Inn, but in the end only 60 made the cut.

Obvious disappointment was on some faces and some reportedly stormed out upset but many got their walking papers and left quietly.

Some of the regulars at the casting callAccording to Kofi Branch of the Fashion Focus team, “things turned out pretty okay and were are excited and ready to go”.

Branch said the entire day was hectic beginning almost an hour before the scheduled hour given that persons started filing in at the auditions much earlier than expected.

“We were really amazed at the response to the ads because people started showing up so early. It was crazy but we loved it,” Branch said.

Calls went out for petite, slim and plus-sized models and close to 350 persons responded ranging from petite to plus size. In the end the panel of judges selected models that represent the diversity in Guyana and the Caribbean as far body sizes go, Branch said noted while pointing out that the event is a regional one.

He said the judges, pageant coordinator, Negla Brandis; designer Sonia Noel and trainer Richard Young were pleased with the selections and Young expressed delight with the diversity of the group selected.

Further Branch said they were pleased also with how passionate many of the models were and how interested they were in being part of the event. He said that rigorous training will soon begin for the models selected.