A wellness revolution

Despite the fact that many persons’ behaviour point to the contrary, the average human being is interested in longevity. There must be very few persons in the world, if any at all, who would, with honesty, say that they want to die young. Furthermore, no sane person would wish upon themselves such illness as hypertension, diabetes, heart disease, obesity, cancers, and asthma. In fact, at this very moment, there are people seeking treatment or a cure, wherever possible, for all or any of the chronic non-communicable diseases (CNCD) mentioned above.

The question that must therefore be asked is why people would do the very things that have been proven to put them at risk for developing CNCDs.  Granted, some of the risk factors are not that obvious. In addition, some CNCDs develop because of external factors, such as the environment or exposure to pollution, over which persons have no control. There are other CNCDs to which some people are predisposed because of their genetic makeup. These, to some extent, they can attempt to control, if they cannot prevent them.