EPA urges proper waste disposal

– will enforce anti-littering law

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is appealing to members of the public to dispose of their waste appropriately and to desist from littering as the improper disposal of garbage is contributing to flooding in some areas as it ends up in rivers, canals and drains and also pollutes the water supply.

A release from the EPA, which has come in the wake of severe flooding in many parts of the country owing to persistent heavy rainfall, said that the improper disposal of waste contributes to several other problems. “It reduces the aesthetic appeal of the environment including public places, streets, parks, and waterways. Not only does it present a hazard to humans, but the cost of cleaning it up places an economic burden on society,” the release said.

The agency plans to confront the littering problem by implementing an anti-littering programme which will be aimed at the overall reduction of litter in Guyana by working along with the Neighbourhood Democratic Councils (NDCs) and Regional Democratic Councils (RDCs) throughout the country. It said that a number of public awareness activities and other methods of information dissemination will be employed. The EPA plans to work along with those local authorities to address the problems and also enforce the provisions of its legislation and the responsibility conferred upon it under Section 34 of the Act against individuals who are found guilty of littering.

Persons can face up to $80,000 in fines if caught littering.