Fire damages Campbellville bottom flat

Some of the damage in the lower flat

A fire of unknown origin yesterday damaged the bottom flat of a 62 Craig Street, Campbellville home leaving a family of four homeless. No one was at home at the time.

The outside of the house
The outside of the house

The fire is believed to have started around 12.30 pm. Daiwantie Khan who resides upstairs said, “I don’t know what happen all we saw was smoke and we smell something like rubber burning.”

She said that after looking out and realizing that there was a fire downstairs she and her sister ran out of the house. Khan said the response by the fire service was “fast”.

Deoranie Babulall one of the residents of the two-bedroom bottom-flat said that she was at work and just           happened to be passing by when she saw the smoke. She said that she tried calling her aunt (Khan) but got no response. It was a neighbour who called her to let her know about the fire.
Although the inside of the house was badly scorched and the windows were shattered, the outside of the house was without damage.
The floor of the upper flat was scorched.

Some of the damage in the lower flat
Some of the damage in the lower flat

While the incident had everyone shaken the residents are thankful that no one got hurt.