Frankly Speaking

Popular church, same attitudes

-What security? Me!? A missionary? In Nigeria?

I am moved to return to one of my old themes: that in the ages-long Christian war to win hearts and minds, sincerely and genuinely over to Christ’s righteousness, teachings and behaviour, His adversary Satan seems to be victorious.

Crime – including murder and the slaughter of innocents, disease, natural catastrophes, wars and poverty rule the realms. And all that I’m told is, it is not God’s doing. Man has brought it all upon himself by being disobedient to God’s will. Score points Satan, I say.

But just where do today’s Guyanese (Christians) go to try to follow their God’s requests? Well, over the past thirty-plus years, I’m told, there has been a significant shift away from the traditional established Episcopal (Anglican) and Roman Catholic churches. Thousands of the working-class – including former members of the traditional two and including “East Indian” Hindu types – have flocked to the one –time “Clap-hand”  Bottom House, more charismatic Pentecostal–inspired groups. The main branches of these churches, I understand, are the Assemblies of God and the Full Gospel Missions. And there are, evidently, other aspiring offshoots being “established” frequently.

I understand that worship in these assemblies, these days, include rousing testimonies,  faith healing, outreach missionary evangelizing, talking in tongues and Baptism and empowerment to win more souls (as the Pentecost directed) fund-raising and Oh! Modern Music and Song and Dance – the latter to entertain in their God’s name as well as a determined attempt to attract and keep the under-thirties as members.

Taken together these undenominational (?) groups total more active members than the two traditional Christian bodies, numbers will easily show. But what has been the consequences of these churches winning of souls? Frankly Speaking, I perceive no fundamental moral change or improvement through these popular churches. Members go, receive the messages, participate in the Biblical research on Sundays or a few weekdays, then resume their routine anti-social, unhelpful disunity thereafter. Besides not understanding or accepting many (hidden) truths of their theology, the majority of these “Christians”, “born-again” some time, display and demonstrate spiritual grossness. What love for their fellow man? It’s earthly business as usual socially and politically!

Pastors, Prophets and Bishops Galore

The new churches have instituted their own hierarchical system and status levels. They do courses in the United States, especially. Then to the chagrin of the Anglican and Roman Catholic Bishops, small-church Pastors become Bishops, Archbishops, Prophets and Apostles!

In turn, these Pastors and Bishops benefit from their affiliation(s) with American like-minded bodies. Visas, Visits, Gifts, Donations and under the local companies Act (89:01), as nonprofit organizations their churches can receive duty-free items. (I always hope that the Bishops’ benefits – and life-styles – can trickle down to the poor earnest believers.)

The Pentecostal Churches are playing their missionary, charitable role in society, it must be said. These times have thrown up enough poor to “minister” to. The leaders are in politics and business too. Check the radio and television airwaves daily. “Business” is attractive! Jesus, the spiritual and physical, was very political. Discuss.

And Bishop Juan Edgehill once told me on television, “My God does not want a poor vendor to remain poor”. I would say “Amen” to that. On a personal note: Edgehill and my youngest brother-in-law, Bishop Louis Jones were ordained together. On the 1763 Square of the Revolution! Louis is in Alabama now. Praise the Lord!
What Security?

Two things I write here about last Friday’s devastating fire.

Security for state property remains largely bordering on comedy. They scam and monitor you during day time but at nights, it’s time for guards to rest. Our middle-aged, matured (old) ladies, poor souls, have to take these risky “watchmen” jobs because of need when they should really be with the grandchildren.

Serious security means vigilant, trained able-bodied guards with radios for easy contact with HQ and Police; strong flashlights, powerful electronic alarms to alert the whole neighbourhood, if necessary – and closed-circuit TV cameras. Do we have such?

Secondly, I’m taking Dr Ramsammy at his word. Prove the skeptics and opposition detractors wrong Sir. From all the other sources and repositories, compile all burnt records and invite the cynics to examine them in about a month’s time. Please do that convincingly Doctor Minister.
Me!?  A Missionary?

Did you get one this past Tuesday morning? Poor me. I know little about computers and E-mails, etc. Yes I’m heavily indebted, still! But I did not e-mail several prominent persons requesting $2,300.00 (US) because I was robbed whilst in Nigeria – Doing some “missionary” work! A naughty Cyber-Crook Scammer accessed my address book (?) and e-mailed several persons pretending to be me in international distress.

Two persons nearly got deceived, but like me, they had no money. Two others made my day in the face of this would-be scam: My relative, born in Nigeria, now in England, saw through this mischief easily. And my “flesh-and–blood” in Florida, USA with FBI Connections, promised to trace the (African) origin. Should I bother? But be on your own alert!

*1) Great work in the print media, following Mr. Sharma – all those shoddy, unprofessional works done for tax-payers’ millions. Expose the contractors!
*2) Do the GDF and Police and Prison services not have their own tailor-shops?
*3) “Who else will buy and invest, Fenty?” asked the PPP guy, of me. “If not government – friendly investors, who?” Discuss. Our patrimony on sale?
*4) Coming next week: Six things the government should do to debunk notions and perceptions of corruption and poor governance.
‘Til Next Week!
