Ministry of Agriculture nursery at Charity short of plants

Dear Editor,

The Ministry of Agriculture nursery at Charity has a shortage of plants for sale, unlike the what obtained previously. With Region 2 being a predominantly agricultural area, the present situation will inevitably have an adverse effect on government’s grow more food campaign.

During my visit to make purchases it was not possible to obtain any pear, lime, orange, papaw or golden apple plants. Not even a tomato, boulanger or pepper plant was available.

Assuming that demand was greater than the supply, I nevertheless enquired as to what was responsible for the shortage. Much to my surprise, I was told it was because of the ministry’s failure to make seeds available in adequate quantities.

If this is true, it is incumbent on the Ministry of Agriculture to ensure that this is rectified so the needs of farmers can be satisfied at all times. This nursery which is the sole supplier of plants throughout the entire district serves a very useful purpose and should not be neglected.

Yours faithfully,
Baliram Persaud