Physical Education in the school curriculum

Students participating in a physical education session as part of the school cirriculum.

Issues and challenges in the new academic year   (Cont’d)

Education has evolved to such a stage that no longer is the chalk and talk by the teacher absolute.  People question.  They want to know the How? Why? When? And Where?  This is absolutely necessary in Physical Education since questioning clears doubts and clarifies issues in the minds of individuals.

Serious play: students engaged in a practical sports workshop
Serious play: students engaged in a practical sports workshop

We have to live with our body for the rest of our lives.  Our body is made for mobility with bones, muscles, tendons, joints and ligaments and knowledge of how and why they function is a necessity.  Therefore it is incumbent for Physical Education be a compulsory subject in our schools.  The body can be compared to a machine and unless it receives gasoline and oil and is properly serviced then its efficiency decreases and it will not function at its optimum, then longevity and a disease-free body will be affected.
Healthy lifestyle
In an age where young people spend their ‘free time’ eating  ‘junk food’ or regularly visit the fast food restaurants, watching television, listening to CDs and playing video games, vigorous outdoor activities with friends on a regular basis has become almost obsolete.  Instead inactivity and obesity have become serious health concerns.  As physical activity decreases obesity and its attendant illnesses increases.

Students participating in a physical education session as part of the school cirriculum.
Students participating in a physical education session as part of the school cirriculum.

In a world where heart diseases, sexually transmitted diseases, hypertension and drug abuse are rampant, teaching people to develop healthy lifestyles especially through exercise is invaluable.
Physical education and other subjects
There is definitely inter-relatedness between Physical Education and other subjects – Biology, Physics, Maths and Home Economics.  This augurs well for Physical Education to be introduced into schools and in streaming, this subject should be included since they will enhance each other.  We feel that education programmes should be relevant to people’s lives, be enjoyable and satisfying, good and wholesome.  Many persons spend their money and time in unhealthy life practices and have to go back again spending money and time in correcting this.
Job opportunities – career
With the increase in Technology and the decrease in working hours, man has a greater amount of leisure time on his hands.  This accounts for a variety of job opportunities and professions where meaningful employment can be gained.
Job opportunities

Athlete                                   Physiotherapist               Sport Law

Coach                                      Research Officer              Sport Manager

Curriculum Officer            Sports Agent                      Sport Medicine

Dietitian                                 Sport Administrator       Sport Official (Referee, Linesman, Umpire)

Masseur                                 Sport Announcer              Sport Organizer

P.E Teacher/Lecturer      Sport Equipment Dealer  Sport Psychologist

Physical Training     Sport Journalism


Career development is a lifelong process which in the home, is nurtured throughout life, and manifests itself in adult career choices.
Benefits of physical education

(1)  Mental development

(2)  Social development

(3)  Biological development

(4)  Technical development

(5)  Gives scope to  alternate pathway to life) Upward Mobility  – CXC, PHD
Enhances skills in

(1)  Decision making

(2)  Problem solving

(3)  Critical thinking

(4)  Sports technology

(5)  Communication skill

(6)  Maintaining dignity under adverse


(7)  Leadership

Life is a hustle and bustle with all its frustrations and ups and downs. Physical Education and sport offer an opportunity to relax,  release pent-up energies, offer an opportunity to have fun and continue to enjoy a hobby in later life.
It encourages responsible citizenship, disciplined individuals, role models for the society at large, less financial strain on the health system.
Syllabus – 2005 17/sports disciplines offered – Selection 2 from 1 section, 1 from 1 section

Paper I           2 ½ hrs        Theory 90 marks

Paper 11        45 mins        Practical 60 marks

Paper 111         SBA             Class project 30 marks

Practical skill 120 marks

Curriculum guides

1 – 3 Schools in Guyana

4 – 9 NCERD Editing and printing


Centre No. of Candidates Options
Anna Regina Secondary                  52                                           Cricket, Volleball/Basketball
Aurora Secondary                             30                                                                  Cricket
Friendship Secondary                      05
President’s College                             17                                                                   Cricket
Belladrum Secondary                       09
Berbice High                                         27                                                                   Soccer
Berbice Educational Institute       26                                                          Cricket, Football
Canje Secondary                                 34
Corentyne Comprehensive            42                                                                   Cricket
New Amsterdam Multilateral        10                                                                  Cricket
Tutorial Academy                              38                                                                Volleyball
St Rose’s High                                       19                                           Badminton, Cricket, Volleyball
St Stanislaus College                         16                                           Cricket, Badminton, Swimming
Mackenzie High                                  07                                              Athletics – Track and Field


Iniative for August – December  2009

Staffing – On August 14, 2009 four (4) Chinese Physical Education Volunteers came to Guyana on attachment for one (1) year.  One will be attached to the Cyril Potter College of Education and three will be attached to the Allied Art Department and they will also be working with Secondary schools.

Volleyball workshop September  1 – 5, 2009
A volleyball workshop is scheduled for September 1 – 5, 2009 at the Cliff Anderson Sport Hall for 30 Secondary School Teachers from eight regions.  This programme is intended to facilitate the Physical Education C.S.E.C Programme.

Staff development September  9 – 11, 2009
The Department has organized a First Aid/CPR Training Programme for staff members of Allied Arts to prepare them to manage any emergencies they encounters while on duty.

Education month 2009
The Physical Education Department will have a booth for the Health Fair September 28 – 29, 2009, to celebrate Education Month 2009.

National school swimming, cycling and
athletics championships 2009

The Ministry of Education/ Physical Education Department together with the Guyana Teachers Union is currently involved in making preparations for the National Schools Championship to be held in Region Six at the Albion sports complex from November 9 -13, 2009.