Thief tells court he was `coordinating’ items

Lee Marvin Hales

Lee Marvin Hales, 33, of no fixed place of abode was on Wednesday sentenced to 12 months imprisonment when he appeared before Magistrate Ann McLennan at the Christianburg Magistrate’s Court on a larceny charge.

Lee Marvin Hales
Lee Marvin Hales

Hales engaged the magistrate in a lengthy discussion about his reason for pleading guilty to the charge. He said that the items in the house were off the geographic balance and he had to go into the building to coordinate them. “Your worship I just meant to put her on point. She had Barney and all the other stuff which were just a point off from where I use to live in Philadelphia so I had to coordinate things, you know what I mean.”

The man stole from Nichola Higgins a quantity of clothing valued $10,000; $2,000 worth of foodstuff; a $1,500 cutlass; $2,500 worth of wares and a $500 hammer a total value of $18,500.

Asked if he smokes cigarettes and marijuana, Hales responded in the affirmative and said that in addition he uses a quantity of other drugs including Vanilla Dutch. He went on to give a detailed description of the make-up of Vanilla Dutch claiming it was a cocktail which included bitter gourd (carilla).

When the sentence was read to Hales he asked if he would get food and be allowed to smoke while he was imprisoned. He was told that he would be fed and that being in prison for the period would assure him of a fixed place of abode. He told the court that he once resided with his mother at Blue Berry Hill but was told “to make heights” resulting in him being homeless.