Sidewalk goes local

On Tuesday, Sidewalk Cafe screens the latest production from Linden resident, Michael James. Tantimerl and She Junky is a comedy which is based around the serious subject of drug abuse. The film was shot entirely in Linden. It tells the story of a fairly ambitious young man who finds himself falling into the use of illicit drugs.  This film shows what happens to him and his family during this period.

Scenes from the local film Tantimerl and She Junky
Scenes from the local film Tantimerl and She Junky

20091121scene2Video editing was done by Malcolm James. The film stars Loriann Cameron, Abiola Sears, Caslyn Cuffy, Martin Innis, Travis Fredericks, Sharma Allicock, Troy Porter,  Devon Glen and  Seon Campbell who all live in Linden.

Admission is free and the film starts at 7 pm.