Roundtable examines volunteerism and development

The Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sport in collaboration with Voluntary Services Overseas (VSO) and the United Nations Volunteer programme (UNV) hosted a roundtable discussion on “Volunteering and it’s contribution to the development of Guyana” yesterday at the National Library.

The discussions were moderated by Kim West, Country Manager of VSO while the panel consisted of Olato Sam, Technical Advisor, Ministry of Education; Pauline Sukhai, Minister of Amerindian Affairs; Ganesh Singh, Vice President of Leonard Cheshire Young Voices Guyana; Manon Bernier, Programme Specialist UNV; Dr Frank Anthony, Minister of Culture, Youth and Sport; Geraldine Maison-Hall, National Advisor, Community Based Rehabilitation Programme and Dr Leslie Chin the Executive Director of the Guyana Youth Business Trust.

Coming out of the discussions were ways in which volunteerism produced tangible achievements. Sam pointed out how the persons who volunteer in the education field play an important role in cutting down the hours the children miss in schools. While Singh noted that the many workshops and leadership activities that his organisation receives from volunteers have enabled members of his organisation to build their self esteem.

Among other achievements were the efforts of one Rotary member who volunteered his skills to teach children in the Buxton community. The man, Chin said, would have three days of sport activities and two days of literacy classes. These were just some of the achievements that these organisations have seen accomplished through volunteering.

Meanwhile, Minister Anthony told of plans such as a National Centre for Volunteers where volunteers can find support. He said that they will not be able to find financial support but resources and guidance in their field.

Sam suggested that there needs to be enabling legislation as well as institutionalising of standards so that all volunteer organisations can have the same standard.

Adding another dimension to the discussion, Maison-Hall pointed out that volunteers must be given flexibility to accommodate their skills and services before these are further sharpened by training.

Anthony added that before some of these ideas can be further developed and a more formalised study has to be carried out to quantify the impact of volunteerism.  He also stressed the importance of giving back to the community and pointed out the benefits of this.

Meanwhile, discussions coming out of the audience suggested that more collaboration between the ministries and organisations to complete programmes like the one undertaken in Buxton should be done. Another contributor pointed out the role of the elderly in providing guidance to the young.

Anthony cautioned that a dependency must not be fostered by the services fostered by volunteers.

The UNV specialist Bernier pointed out that UNV encourages the locals to see how their efforts can change their society and encourage them to work towards the development of their country.

The discussion was held in recognition of International Volunteer Day and is also a one part of a feasibility study that is being undertaken by the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sport.