Body of Bagotstown man found with marks of violence

Police are investigating the death of a Bagotstown resident, who is believed to have been killed during a drunken squabble some time yesterday morning.

The dead body of Inchan Alli, 53, of Lot 8 Pandit Street, Bagotstown, East Bank Demerara was found on the road outside his home by neighbours in the morning. Police sources told this newspaper yesterday that the body bore marks of violence and it appeared as if the man was severely beaten with a piece of wood.  The dead man’s father with whom he lived, was taken into police custody yesterday.

Residents told Stabroek News that both the deceased and his father were heavy drinkers and they would frequently argue.  The two had reportedly had a dispute on Friday evening. One resident said that often the disputes between the father and son would disturb the neighbourhood. “Some night we nah get peace,” the resident said.

As investigations are continuing into the incident, a police officer told this newspaper that the results of a post-mortem examination, which should be conducted next week, will be crucial to solving the case.