Democratic rep incriminated in Stanford debacle

(Antigua Sun) – Just days after it was announced that the US Justice Department is investigating contributions made to lawmakers by Allen Stanford, a democratic representative has been listed as one who benefited from the former billionaire at the expense of his clients.

The Miami Herald newspaper has reported that records have shown Rep. Gregory Meeks of Queens sometimes accompanied by his wife, Simone-Marie, took six trips to the Caribbean that included Antigua to St Lucia, courtesy of a Stanford non-profit called the Inter-American Economic Council. Stanford and Meeks seemed to have been close associates.

According to the newspaper who quoted ex-Stanford employees, Meeks was asked in 2006 to go after an employee of Stanford in Venezuela who was accusing the former billionaire of fraud.

The employees say Stanford wanted Chavez to launch a criminal probe of the Venezuelan whistleblower, The Herald reported.

Meeks later travelled to Venezuela to seek Chavez’s support in the war on drugs. The whistleblower was indicted a year later.

Since 2007, Stanford and his employees have been regular contributors to Meeks’ campaign, coughing up $12,100.